Secondly, Helpful Buckeye would like to apologize for the larger than normal print font in part of last week's issue. That issue was put together on my laptop and I'm still not sure why the fonts changed like that, but at least you could still read it.
Anyway, as promised, here we go with...CAT TALES!
1) CARACAS, Venezuela (AP), 8 August 2008 -- At least 38 Warao Indians have died in remote villages in Venezuela, and medical experts suspect an outbreak of rabies spread by bites from vampire bats. Laboratory investigations have yet to confirm the cause, but the symptoms point to rabies, according to two researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and other medical experts. The two UC Berkeley researchers -- the husband-and-wife team of anthropologist Charles Briggs and public health specialist Dr. Clara Mantini-Briggs -- said the symptoms include fever, body pains, tingling in the feet followed by progressive paralysis, and an extreme fear of water.
"Prevention is straightforward: Prevent bites and vaccinate those at risk of bites." Venezuelan health officials are investigating the outbreak and plan to distribute mosquito nets to prevent bat bites and send a medical boat to provide treatment in remote villages on the Orinoco River delta. Outbreaks of rabies spread by vampire bats are a problem in various tropical areas of South America, including Brazil and Peru. "It's a monster illness," said Tirso Gomez, a Warao traditional healer who said the indigenous group of more than 35,000 people has never experienced anything similar.
Mantini-Briggs, a Venezuelan former health official, said she was surprised to find many Warao villages now have cats -- a new development. "The Waraos told us it was because there were too many bats that were biting the children," she said.
2) From the Gloucester Daily Times, 1 August 2008: In a three-week period during March and April this year, five cats in Massachusetts tested positive for rabies within Boston city limits. It was initially believed that these cats were unvaccinated and roamed a territory frequented by raccoons and skunks, but one of the cats had been vaccinated, although it was an older animal with a history of ill health. "It's difficult to tell what happened," said Michael Cahill, acting director for the Division of Animal Health at the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. "But this is the first vaccine failure in 15 years." He added that the cat's health problems indicated a compromised immune system, so the animal was probably unable to fight off the rabies virus after it had been directly exposed. To avoid this scenario, cats should be kept inside, which is safer for them on many accounts, and dogs should only go out on leashes, so neither can chase local wildlife. When domestic animals contract rabies, it is very dangerous because of their close proximity to humans. In fact, several people were exposed to this disease from these cats this spring, so they had to undergo the rabies inoculation series.
3) From the Washington Post, 3 August 2008: Authorities have apparently tracked down the animal that prompted reports of cougar sightings at the University of Maryland. Or at least, they came close. They managed to snap pictures Friday of an unidentified feline that, while not quite a cougar, seemed far larger than a standard house cat. The Department of Public Safety at the College Park campus said it got surveillance camera pictures of a "large feline" at the edge of a wooded area where what was believed to be a cougar had been reported. In addition, the department said, a university police officer got to see the big cat close up. The verdict, after consulting with the state Department of Natural Resources, was no cougar. In its size and markings, the safety department said, the mystery cat appeared to be consistent with the Savannah cat, which it described as a hybrid of a domestic short hair and a larger African feline, known as a Serval (see pictures below). According to a statement from the safety department, Savannahs can weigh as much as 35 pounds, and can be much bigger than house cats. Savannahs, the department said, have been called the Great Danes of the cat world. As of last night, the Savannah, if that is truly what it is, remained at large. It was not immediately known how it came to be in the area where reports of cougar sightings Thursday created a summertime stir on campus.

4) And, finally, in an update to last week's story about the 44-lb. feral cat in New Jersey:
Fat, happy and no longer homeless. That describes life for the 44-pound New Jersey cat who became an overnight sensation. A New Jersey family has adopted the state's most famous feline, a 44-pound beauty who gained glory after being found waddling the streets last month. "Powder" -- aka "Prince Chunk," after first being called "Princess Chunk," until being properly determined to be a male -- became homeless when his owner lost her home to foreclosure. A veterinarian has found "Prince Chunk" healthy aside from his weight. The big cat doesn't have a thyroid condition, after all. The vet also has prescribed a high-protein, low-carb diet for the tubby tabby, who is within three pounds of the heaviest on record. Some 400 people applied to adopt the 10-year-old cat who once was called "Powder." He was found lumbering around Voorhees after his owner lost her home to foreclosure. New York's Daily News reports the Camden County Animal Shelter has selected a south Jersey family who already has two cats. "Prince Chunk" is to move next week.
This cat is so impressively large, that it behooves us to run his picture one more time:
1) From the Telegraph (United Kingdom): By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent Last Updated: 12:16AM BST 10 Aug 2008
Conditions like Alzheimer's are becoming increasingly common and now affect one million felines. One in ten cats is now suffering from dementia as Britain's feline population gets older, experts have warned. Vets have reported seeing an increase of cases but fear that many owners do not pick up on the symptoms because they do not associate the condition with their pets.
As in humans, dementia leaves the animals confused and distressed. The progressive condition, caused by degeneration of the brain, can cause them to get lost more often or become reclusive. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh now believe half of all cats over the age of 15 and a quarter aged 11 to 14, are suffering from "geriatric onset behavioural problems."
Dr. Danielle Gunn-Moore, professor of feline medicine at the university, said: "When we look at cats of all ages, we believe about 10 per cent will be affected, which represents about one million cats in Britain." She said the risk of dementia in cats was rising because, like humans, cats are living increasingly long lives. "These days cats are given a better diet, they are more sheltered and tend not to spend so much time outdoors, and they are more likely to be treated for conditions for which they might have been put down in the past," she said. "The sad part of this is that it does mean increasing numbers of cats are getting to an age where a lot of them will suffer from dementia."
Her team of scientists are embarking on a major new study in an attempt to uncover which factors increase the risks for elderly cats, and how best to prevent the onset of dementia.
Her research will examine whether particular breeds of cat are most at risk, and the impact of different lifestyles, other diseases and treatments with different vitamins and drugs. It is hoped the work could even help in the developments of treatments for the 700,000 people in Britain suffering from some form of dementia. The same team was the first to discover cats could suffer from Alzheimer's. Their research two years ago involved scans which showed changes to the neural system of confused elderly felines were similar to those seen among humans with the conditions. They identified the same amyloid protein present. Professor Ed Hall, president of the British Small Animals Veterinary Association, said owners were increasingly consulting vets because their pets' habits had become erratic. He said possible symptoms in cats included howling for attention, aimlessly wandering, sleeping, repeatedly asking for food after being fed, or missing the litter tray. Vets needed to take care to exclude other diagnoses - such as arthritis - which might also restrict mobility, and cause distress, he said.
Claire Bessant, chief executive of charity the Feline Advisory Bureau, said cats would go to some lengths to prevent owners from spotting the problem. "You do need to do a bit of detective work if you suspect your cat isn't quite itself. Cats are masters of disguise, and they are quite private, so if something is wrong they do try to hide it. "For example, if they keep getting lost when they go out, they might just stay in more. But equally, the explanation might be that they are suffering from arthritis."
Research suggests a good diet and mental stimulation can reduce the risk of dementia in cats, as is the case in humans. Vets recommend playing games with their pets, in order to keep their impulses sharp. However, once cats develop dementia, they can become frightened and confused by too much stimulation or changes to the environment, such as the rearrangement of furniture, or arrival of visitors.
Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research trust, said the studies on cats could also provide an "invaluable insight" into the search for treatments for humans. "It is interesting that the experts suggest that a good diet, mental stimulation and companionship can reduce the risks of dementia in felines. It would appear that what is best for the owner is also good for the cat," she said.
Signs your cat might have dementia:
- Getting disoriented and confused; can be shown if cats keep getting trapped in corners, or failing to find their litter tray
- Loud crying, especially at night
- Changed social relationships; becoming more aggressive or attention-seeking than previously
- Increased irritability or anxiety, or less interest in stimuli, such as games
- Altered sleeping patterns
- Changes in activity; aimless wandering, pacing or reduced activity
- Altered interest in food; usually eating less, sometimes eating more, after forgetting they have eaten
- Decreased grooming
source: Dr Danielle Gunn-Moore, Professor of Feline Medicine, University of Edinburgh
2) Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonella henselae Infection)
What is cat scratch disease?
Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial disease caused by Bartonella henselae. Most people with CSD have been bitten or scratched by a cat and developed a mild infection at the point of injury. Lymph nodes, especially those around the head, neck, and upper limbs, become swollen. Additionally, a person with CSD may experience fever, headache, fatigue, and a poor appetite.
Can my cat transmit Bartonella henselae to me?
Sometimes, yes, cats can spread B. henselae to people. Most people get CSD from cat bites and scratches. Kittens are more likely to be infected and to pass the bacterium to people. About 40% of cats carry B. henselae at some time in their lives. Cats that carry B. henselae do not show any signs of illness; therefore, you cannot tell which cats can spread the disease to you. People with immunocompromised conditions, such as those undergoing immunosuppressive treatments for cancer, organ transplant patients, and people with HIV/AIDS, are more likely than others to have complications of CSD. Although B. henselae has been found in fleas, so far there is no evidence that a bite from an infected flea can give you CSD.
How can I reduce my risk of getting cat scratch disease from my cat?
This information is drawn from this CDC website: http://www.cdc.gov/HEALTHYPETS/diseases/catscratch.htm
There was a popular song, Cat Scratch Fever, recorded by Ted Nugent, back in 1977 that provides the background for this interesting video of many, many cats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_XdjviX6gQ&feature=related
ANY COMMENTS, please send an e-mail to: dogcatvethelp@gmail.com or post a comment at the end of this issue.
1) A few weeks ago, Helpful Buckeye listed some tips on New Kitten Care (13 July 2008). This week, there are a few more concerns for new cat owners (from the AVMA):
What choices do you have in cats?
Purebred and mixed-breed cats come in a variety of shapes (head, ears, body, and tail), sizes, colors, personalities, and hair coats. Purebred cats have been selectively bred to enhance certain physical and behavioral characteristics that some owners find desirable, while mixed-breed cats have varied characteristics and also make wonderful pets. Veterinarians, cat fancy associations, and cat shows are good sources of information about the physical characteristics, personalities, and needs of various breeds.
What are the special needs of cats?
Feeding, exercise, play, and elimination are daily needs that must be met if you want a healthy, happy cat. Some purebred and mixed-breed cats have long and/or thick hair coats that require daily grooming to prevent matting and skin irritation. If you're not prepared to provide daily grooming, consider a short-haired variety that can take care of most of its own grooming needs. To reduce the risk of injury and disease, cats should always be kept indoors. A cat's litter box must be kept very clean so that the cat continues to use it. If there are multiple cats within the home, multiple litter boxes should be available in several locations.
Does a cat fit into your lifestyle?
Cats can adapt to most living situations if proper housing, food, grooming, and exercise are provided. To help decide if a cat is the right pet for you, answer the following questions:
Do you rent or do you own your home? If you rent, does your lease allow you to keep a cat?
How long is your work day? Do you frequently have obligations after work that would interfere with caring for your kitten or cat?
Do you travel? Who will care for your pet in your absence?
If you have multiple pets, will adding another cause you to violate restrictions on the number or types of pets where you live? Will your new cat get along with your existing pets?
Do any family members have allergies to pet hair or dander?
Should you get a kitten, or an adult cat?
Kittens require additional time for litter box training and socialization, as well as more frequent feeding and supervision. If you can't make this commitment, consider purchasing or adopting an adult cat that is most likely litter trained and will usually adapt well to a new home.
Can you afford a cat?
The purchase price for a cat can vary tremendously by breed and source, and will just be your initial expense. Cats need high quality food, proper housing, mental stimulation (e.g., toys, playtime), and regular visits to a veterinarian for preventive care. Other costs may include emergency medical treatment, grooming, boarding, identification, licensing, sterilization (spaying or neutering), and accessories. Today, pet health insurance is readily available and may help you defray unexpected expenses resulting from illness or injury.
Where can you get a cat?
Purebred kittens and cats can be purchased from reputable breeders. Both mixed-breed and purebred kittens and cats can be adopted from animal shelters and rescue organizations. If you obtain your cat from a shelter, discuss with shelter personnel what they have observed about the cat's personality and try to learn why the cat was given up. Some kittens and cats are in shelters because of family lifestyle changes (e.g., moving, new baby), but others are given up because of chronic health or behavioral conditions that you might not want to manage. Some conditions may be treatable, but this will require additional investments of time and money.
What should you look for in a healthy cat?
A healthy kitten or cat has clear, bright eyes and a clean, shiny haircoat. It should not appear thin, overly fat, or show signs of illness, such as nasal discharge or diarrhea.
When choosing a cat, pick one that is active, inquisitive, and seeks affection and attention from people. Sometimes cats are uncomfortable in noisy or unfamiliar environments, so keep that in mind during your evaluation. An adult cat should allow handling and petting without hissing or scratching. A kitten should purr and be relaxed when picked up and handled. The best age at which to obtain a kitten is when it is between 7 and 9 weeks old. Your veterinarian can also provide information about health conditions and behaviors that may be common in a particular breed you are considering.
2) Natural History of Domestic Cats: Cat skeletons have been found in very early human settlements but they are assumed by archaeologists to have been wild cats. The earliest true records of domestication of cats date from about 2000 years ago from Ancient Egypt. Examination of skulls found in Egyptian cat burial grounds identified them as mainly being of the species Felis libyca which at that time was a wild cat that inhabited Asia and North Africa. This desert-living cat is now thought to have been the main ancestor of the domestic cats we have today. Migration and interbreeding with native cats resulted (in Europe) in the emergence of a thicker set domestic cat - similar to the European Wild Cat (Felis silvestris).
3) And, for your own interpretation, there is this quote from Garrison Keillor: "Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose."
Tapetum Lucidum--noun; layer of tissue in the eye of many vertebrate animals, that lies immediately behind or sometimes within the retina. It reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors. This improves vision in low-light conditions. The tapetum lucidum contributes to the superior night vision of some animals. Many of these animals are nocturnal, especially carnivores that hunt at night, and their prey. As a result of this feature of the cat eye, cats can see six times better in the dark than animals without the tapetum lucidum. The visible effect of this is known as eyeshine. Eyeshine occurs in a wide variety of colors including white, blue, green, yellow, pink, and red. However, because eyeshine is a form of iridescence, the color varies slightly with the angle at which it is seen and the color of the source light. Yellow eyeshine occurs in many mammals, including cats. Red eyeshine occurs in oppossums. Rabbits show red eyeshine, while porcupines show shades of purple. Humans do not have a tapetum lucidum and, therefore, do not enjoy good night vision.

Cat Breeds--Persian

Cat Breeds--???...What is this one? See the answer next week...

1) Interesting facts about cats:
Whether your kitty meows or roars, it is a descendant of the Felis silvestris species, which is divided into the African wildcat, European wildcat and Steppe wildcat. The smallest of the descendants is the rusty-spotted cat found in Sri Lanka. It is about half the size of the domestic cat. The largest is the tiger. The male Siberian or Amur Tiger has a total body length in excess of 3m (10 ft) and weighs up to 300kg (660 lb). The lion is the king of the cats. It stands out from the other cats, not just in its distinctive appearance but also in being the only felid that lives in organised social groups. Adult male lions weigh up to 225kg (500 lb) and grow up to 3m (10 ft) in body length.
The fastest cat, the cheetah, is also the fastest land animal. It can reach 95 km/h (60 mph) over short distances. Unlike other big cats it does not roar - it makes high pitched yelps, barks and chirruping sounds. And like your kitty, it does purr.
Domestic cats purr at about 26 cycles per second, the same frequency as an idling diesel engine. A domestic cat hears frequencies up to about 65 kHz, humans up to 20 kHz. Its sense of smell is about 14 times stronger than that of humans.
There are more than 3000 types of domestic cats, but only 8% are pedigree. And, unlike other wild cats, they are found all over the world... in abundance. In the US, there are more cats than dogs, and people annually spend more on cat food than on baby food.
Cats step with both left legs, then both right legs when they walk or run. The only other animals to do this are the giraffe, camel and the maned wolf. The tails of wild cats almost never lift higher than their backs.
Cats cannot see directly below their heads; that is why they do not see the food when you put it under their nose. Keep this in mind when you're feeding your kitty.
2) Some popular superstitions about cats:
A kitten born in May - a witch's cat
A black cat crossing your path - good luck (A white cat in USA, Spain and Belgium)
A black cat seen from behind - a bad omen
Stray tortoise shell cat - bad omen
Cats bought with money will never be good mousers
Cat sneezing once - rain
Cat sneezing three times - the family will catch a cold
USA belief - A cat washing on the doorstep - the clergy will visit
Killing a cat - sacrificing your soul to the Devil
Kicking a cat - Rheumatism will follow
A cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it. - Italian superstition
It is bad luck to see a white cat at night
Dreaming of white cat means good luck
Do any of you believe in any of these superstitions?
3) Is Gourmet Cat Food Really Tastier?
Looking along the aisles of your local pet food store, you will find an enormous selection of so-called gourmet cat foods available. These foods usually claim to include exotic human-like ingredients, such as shrimp, lobster, filet mignon, prawns, and even rare Kobe beef from Japan. The question is whether or not these foods taste better and are better for your cat. Cats need a different type of diet than humans and dogs. While the latter can eat and digest animal and plant matter fairly easily, cats are considered obligate carnivores. This means they are physically better able to digest meat products than anything else. Another reason for the meat-heavy diet is a need for taurine, an acid found in the flesh of animals. Cats need taurine in their diets because their bodies can't produce it. Without taurine, cats can end up losing their sight. You might think that offering your cat any type of meat-based food would appeal to them but that's not always the case. Cats can be such picky eaters they will literally starve themselves if they don't want to eat what is being offered. And that brings us back to the main question: Are gourmet cat foods tastier? Does it Taste Better? The truth is that there's no real way humans can determine what tastes better for their cat. Cats are unique creatures. They have their own preferences when it comes to food. No third party can really predict what any one cat will like anymore than someone who doesn't know you can guess your dietary preferences. Gourmet cat foods can be appealing because of their variety of flavors. Cats do enjoy a variety of flavors and can become bored if they are fed even something scrumptious day after day. However, some cats like to keep it simple and are just as happy eating the cheap foods. The only way to know for sure what tastes best is to ask your cat. While cats may have their own preferences for food, you need to make sure the food they choose from provides them with all of the nutrients they need for a healthy diet. Gourmet foods may cost more to buy, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will provide the best health benefits for your cat. When you choose a cat food, you need to look at the list of ingredients carefully. Here are some pointers: First ingredient - On any cat food, the first ingredient should be some type of real meat or fish. You do not want "chicken meal," for example. If possible, the first handful of ingredients should all be real meat. Most foods do need some types of preservatives to keep it from spoiling. However, the food should not include artificial flavors or colors. Cheap pet foods often contain a lot of filler, such as rice or grains, which doesn't do much for your pet's health but does help producers cut their own production costs. If you pay attention to labels using the pointers above, you'll be able to find the tastiest and the healthiest food for your cat. ======== Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For information on gourmet cat foods, he recommends Seapets, one of the UK's leading suppliers of cat foods:
4) Every once in a while, Nature plays cruel or unusual tricks on an organism...in this case, a newborn kitten. Scientifically, this can be fascinating...but, from a compassionate point of view, it can be quite disturbing. Watch this video carefully, more than once if you have to, and try to answer the question: "Would you have this animal put to sleep right now or wait a while?" Veterinarians are confronted with this very decision fairly often. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/two-faced-kitten-born/1249218425?icid=200100397x1207118814x1200387156
5) The author of a book on Internet addiction says that 5 to 10 percent of the U.S. population is hooked with larger percentages in other countries addicted. Kimberly Young, clinical director of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, told Medill News Service that many addicts are hooked on one particular aspect of the Internet. The major ones include online gambling and gaming, sex sites, compulsive surfers and even addiction to eBay. Coleen Moore of the Illinois Center for Addiction Recovery said that she has seen young adults who spend 14 to 18 hours a day at their computers. At that point, the Internet is keeping them from work, family life and friendships outside the virtual world. Young compared the Internet to alcohol. Many people can use it and then turn to something else but some lose control. She said that treatment is in its early stages, depending on therapy. Young is the author of "Caught in the Net," a book on Internet addiction. http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=kfFk8-GZPD0C&dq=caught+in+the+net&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=gBdVJcPQk4&sig=0p36-0kPIDl5DjRB0qtFR_4-i2E&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=3&ct=result . She said that in some countries like Taiwan and China as many as 30 percent of computer users may be hooked. Now, Helpful Buckeye will not be disputing these findings since we all know someone who fits this description. However, Helpful Buckeye does want to suggest that you channel your possible Internet addiction in the direction of "Questions On Dogs And Cats," at least on Monday mornings when each issue is published. Hopefully, you will learn enough new information that you won't need to stay online the rest of the week!
6) Faithful readers of this blog know that Helpful Buckeye believes in the healing power of music (See "The Doctor" in the 8 June 2008 issue), at least for humans. As a further example of that thesis, comes this recent story from England of a dramatic recovery from a coma:
STOKE, England - An English grandfather who had been in a coma for 10 weeks woke up when his wife played his favorite rock anthem -- "I Can't Get No Satisfaction," by the Rolling Stones. Eva Carter told The Daily Telegraph that she was dubious when doctors suggested playing music for her husband as he lay unconscious after an attack of anemia. But she decided to give it a try. Her husband, Sam, 60, said he would like to thank Mick Jagger and the other Rolling Stones. He said that the first thing he remembers is hearing the guitar riffs from the beginning of the song. "I can't remember much from being in a coma but I do remember that when that song came on it took me right back to when I was a youngster," he told The Daily Telegraph. "I could remember how excited I was to get it down at the record shop. I suddenly had a burst of energy and knew I had a lot more life left in me and that's when I woke up --to the sound of the first song I ever bought." Sam Carter, a retired baker who lives in Stoke, Staffordshire, woke up about two weeks ago in the City General Hospital. Join Sam Carter in reliving the opening chords of "Satisfaction": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulVDM0a49Lw&feature=related
Helpful Buckeye has heard it said many times over the last 45 years, mainly by "fuddy-duddies," that the music of the Rolling Stones could wake the dead...well, maybe they actually knew what they were talking about!
7) On 3 August, Tony Bennett celebrated his 82nd birthday...1926...I Wanna Be Around!
8) On 5 August 2005, South Korean scientists reported the first successful cloning of a dog.
9) On 4 August 1958, Billboard Magazine introduced its Hot 100 chart covering the 100 most popular "pop" singles. The very first #1 on this chart was by Ricky Nelson, Poor Little Fool. As a side note to this Ricky Nelson thread, Desperado and Helpful Buckeye recently drove down the street in Hollywood, CA, where the Nelson family lived and saw the front yard in which Ricky and his brother, David, played. Enjoy the audio, which is accompanied by a photo tribute to Ricky Nelson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=201Joshj6AQ
10) On 6 August 1881, Alexander Fleming was born, in Scotland. You will recall that he was the discoverer of the antibiotic, penicillin, in 1928. A diagram of the penicillin mold fungus:

11) On 10 August 1909, Leo Fender was born. He was the designer and maker of the Fender Stratocaster guitar in 1954. Fender and inventor Les Paul are often cited as the two most influential figures in the development of electric instruments in the 20th century. This notation is partly being made for my friend, Ken, a fledgling guitar picker. The Fender Stratocaster:

1) Since we have already done the universities with dogs as their team mascots, it is only fair that we also do the same for cats, right? The following is only a partial list, in hopes that our readers will be able to come up with a few:
- University of Arizona Wildcats
- Auburn Tigers
- Brigham Young Cougars
- Cincinnati Bearcats (This is actually another name for a binturong, a non-cat viverrid mammal of Southeast Asia and also a literal translation for the Chinese panda)
- Clemson Tigers
- Florida Golden Panthers
- Houston Cougars
- Kansas State WildcatsKentucky Wildcats
- LSU Tigers
- Memphis Tigers
- Missouri Tigers
OK, this list is a good start...now the college sports fans out there should be able to add at least 5 more schools to the list...send them in!
2) Wow! The LA DODGERS just can't seem to get over the hump and catch the Diamondbacks. We got to within 1/2 game two nights ago and then lost 2 consecutive games after leading in our last at bat! Now, we're behind by 1.5 games, with a 4-game home series against the Phillies starting on Monday, leaders of the NL East Division. This could be a tough 4 days for Helpful Buckeye!
Thanks again for all of your constructive comments...especially about more cat stuff in the blog! Helpful Buckeye hopes all of our cat-loving readers are pleased with this issue.
ANY COMMENTS, please send an e-mail to: dogcatvethelp@gmail.com or post a comment at the end of this issue.
~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~
Thanks, Helpful Buckeye, for all the neat cat stuff. Most of it was new to me and very interesting!
ReplyDeleteCharlie, from Indiana