Ah, geez, can it be 38 years since we heard the singing group Chicago bring us Saturday In The Park? Granted, going to the park may have different connotations now than back in 1972.
With our "SPRINGTIME" issue now behind us here at Questions On Dogs and Cats, it's time to be getting outdoors and going to the park...even if it's the DOG PARK. Reminisce with Chicago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTFD1C4tVIg while we get our ducks (I mean, dogs) in a row!
According to the votes in our poll questions last week, plus the e-mail messages, about half of you (11 of 21) have given bones to you dog. Hopefully, those 11 also went ahead and read the warning about feeding bones to your dog from the Food & Drug Administration....
Also, only 2 of 19 responses indicated anything more elaborate than cremation for a deceased family pet. Be sure to answer this week's poll questions in the column to the left.
If you have any comments or questions, remember to either send an e-mail to Helpful Buckeye at: dogcatvethelp@gmail.com or click on the "Comment" icon at the end of this issue and submit your comment.
1) In connection with our featured topic of "Barking and Growling Dogs" from 2 weeks ago, comes this news headline from the town of Piscataway, New Jersey:
Jersey Town Out To Ban Dog Barking
Read the story at: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20001000-504083.html
Sounds like this could be a tough sell, huh?
2) The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has released the results of their study that shows a big increase in the incidence of canine distemper in raccoons, dogs, coyotes, foxes, and skunks during the year 2009-2010. Since the disease continues to spread around the county, it is important to alert dog owners about the distemper risk and encourage them to keep their dog’s distemper vaccinations up to date. For the rest of their report: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/vet/2010DistemperRaccoons.htm
The American Veterinary Medical Association has presented a thorough overview of the considerations involved in letting your dog mingle with other dogs.
Dogs’ Social Lives and Disease Risks
Whether it's the dog park, doggie day care, boarding, competitions or training classes, mingling dogs with varied or unknown health histories can present health problems for dogs as well as their owners. The very reason you take your dog to a dog gathering – social mixing with other dogs – is the same thing that can put them at risk. Diseases can be spread through direct contact between dogs, shared bowls and equipment, contaminated water, stool, insects and other methods. People who visit these areas and interact with the dogs may also become infected with zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can be spread from animals to people. In addition, any gathering that puts people and dogs together introduces the risk of dog bites.
The following is a list of the most common diseases to which your dog(s) may be exposed at a dog gathering. There may be specific risks in your area that are not listed. For more information about specific diseases in your area, consult your veterinarian.
People can also spread some diseases (such as mange, ringworm, kennel cough and canine influenza) from dog to dog through shared brushes, collars, bedding, etc. or by petting or handling an infected dog before petting or handling another dog.
Canine distemper
Canine distemper is caused by a very contagious virus. Puppies and dogs usually become infected through virus particles in the air or in the respiratory secretions of infected dogs. Infected dogs typically develop runny eyes, fever, snotty nose, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and paralysis. It is often fatal.
Fortunately, there is an effective vaccine to protect your dog from this deadly disease. The canine distemper vaccine is considered a "core" vaccine and is recommended for every dog.
Canine influenza ("canine flu" or "dog flu")
Canine influenza is caused by the canine influenza virus. It is a relatively new disease in dogs. Because most dogs have not been exposed to the virus, their immune systems are not able to fully respond to the virus and many of them will become infected when they are exposed. Canine influenza is spread through respiratory secretions, contaminated objects (including surfaces, bowls, collars and leashes). The virus can survive for up to 48 hours on surfaces, up to 24 hours on clothing, and up to 12 hours on people's hands.
Dogs can be shedding the virus before they even show signs of illness, which means an apparently healthy dog can still infect other dogs. Dogs with canine influenza develop coughing, a fever and a snotty nose, which are the same signs observed when a dog has kennel cough.
There is a vaccine for canine influenza, but at this time it is not recommended for every dog. Consult your veterinarian to determine if the canine influenza vaccine is recommended for your dog.
Canine parvovirus ("parvo")
Parvo is caused by the canine parvovirus type 2. The virus is very contagious and attacks the gastrointestinal system, causing fever, vomiting and severe, often bloody, diarrhea. It is spread by direct contact between dogs as well as by contaminated stool, surfaces, bowls, collars, leashes, equipment, and the hands and clothing of people. It can also survive in the soil for years, making the virus hard to kill. Treating parvo can be very expensive and many dogs die from parvo despite intensive treatment.
Fortunately, there is a vaccine for parvo. It is considered a "core" vaccine and is recommended for every dog.
External parasites (ticks, fleas and mange)
External parasites, such as ticks, fleas and mange, are fairly common dog problems. Ticks from the environment, fleas from other dogs and the environment, and mange from other dogs pose risks at dog gatherings. Ticks can transmit diseases (see tick-borne diseases below). Fleas can transmit some types of tapeworms as well as some diseases, and they may end up infesting your home and yard if they hitchhike home on your dog(s).
There are many approved products available to effectively prevent and treat external parasites on dogs. Consult your veterinarian about the best product for your dog.
Cheyletiella mites cause "walking dandruff" on dogs (itching and flaky skin on the dog's trunk). They are spread from dog to dog by direct contact, and may require more aggressive treatment than fleas.
Fertilizers and pesticides
Some fertilizers and pesticides can be toxic to dogs. Avoid letting your pet walk, run, play or roam in areas that have recently been treated with fertilizers or pesticides.
Fungal infections (blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, etc.)
Fungal organisms in the soil can infect dogs when they eat or sniff contaminated soil. Dogs can also be infected through the skin, especially through a skin wound. The types of fungus seen vary throughout the U.S.: histoplasmosis is more common in the Eastern and Central U.S.; blastomycosis is more common in the Southeast, Southcentral and Midwest regions; cryptococcosis is more common in the Pacific Northwest region; and coccidioidomycosis is more common in the Southwest U.S. Histoplasmosis can be spread by bird or bat droppings.
In general, the fungus infects the body through the respiratory tract and causes fever, coughing, lethargy and flu-like or pneumonia-like signs. If eaten, digestive problems (e.g., pain, diarrhea) can occur. Immunosuppressed dogs (dogs whose immune systems are weakened because of disease or certain medications) are much more likely to become infected with these fungi and develop disease.
Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes and can cause coughing, lethargy, difficulty breathing, heart disease and death. Fortunately, there are many approved products to prevent heartworm infection. Consult your veterinarian about the best product for your dog.
Heatstroke is a big risk during warm and hot weather. Remember that your dog is always wearing a fur coat and they are usually warmer than you are. A temperature that seems only a little warm to a person can be too hot for a dog. Add to that the fact that dogs at dog gatherings are often active and playing, and the heat could become deadly for your dog. Never leave your pet in the car on warm days. Even a 70°F day can be too hot in a car. Short-nosed breeds, such as pugs, Boston Terriers, boxers, bulldogs, etc. are more prone to heatstroke and breathing problems because they don't pant as effectively as breeds with normal-length noses.
Signs of heatstroke include excessive panting and drooling, anxiousness, weakness, abnormal gum color (darker red or even purple), collapse and death.
Any dog showing signs of heatstroke should be immediately taken to a shaded area and cooled with cold, wet towels that are wrung out and rewetted every few minutes. Running cool water over the dog's body and quickly wiping it away (so the water absorbs the skin's heat and is immediately wiped away) can also help. Transport the dog to a veterinarian immediately, because heatstroke can rapidly become deadly.
Any time unfamiliar dogs and/or dogs with different temperaments are mixed, there is a risk of conflict and injury. Bite wounds should be immediately evaluated by a veterinarian and efforts should be made to determine the rabies vaccination status of the biting dog. Overweight dogs and dogs accustomed to more sedentary lifestyles should be encouraged to become more active, but excessive activity can put them at risk of injury to joints, bones or muscles. If your dog is overweight and/or you plan to increase its activity level, consult with your veterinarian about the best plan to get your dog active with the least risk of injury.
Intestinal parasites
Intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms lay eggs that are passed in the dog's stool and infect other dogs when they eat contaminated soil, lick contaminated fur or paws, or drink water contaminated with the stool from infected dogs. Tapeworms are spread when dogs eat fleas, lice, or rodents infected with tapeworms.
These worms can cause malnutrition (because they steal nutrients as food is being digested) and diarrhea, and hookworms can cause blood loss. There are many products available to treat worms, and you should consult their veterinarian for the appropriate products for your pets.
Coccidia and Giardia are single-celled parasites that damage the lining of the intestine. Dogs can become infected with coccidia by eating infected soil or licking contaminated paws or fur. Puppies are at the highest risk of infection and illness.
Kennel cough
Kennel cough can be caused by a combination of viruses and bacteria. It is very contagious and your dog can become infected if it comes into contact with an infected dog. Dogs with kennel cough may not seem ill in the early stages of the disease but they can still infect other dogs. Most commonly, dogs with kennel cough will have a snotty nose and a dry, hacking cough.
There are vaccines for kennel cough, but not all dogs need to receive the vaccine. Consult your veterinarian about whether or not the kennel cough (Bordetella) vaccine is right for your dog.
Leptospirosis is caused by species of the Leptospira bacteria. The bacteria are shed in the urine of infected animals, and animals and people usually become infected by drinking contaminated water or coming into contact with contaminated soil or food. Dogs infected with Leptospira may develop fever, muscle weakness, vomiting, lethargy, abdominal pain, and kidney or liver failure. There is a vaccine for leptospirosis; consult your veterinarian about whether or not the vaccine is appropriate for your dog. Some canine distemper combination vaccines include a Leptospira vaccine.
Any mammal is capable of being infected with the virus that causes rabies. Most dog parks and organized dog gatherings require proof of rabies vaccination, but some do not. Rabies is caused by the rabies virus and is 100% fatal in animals once they start to show signs of disease. The virus is spread by saliva, either by a bite from an infected animal or by saliva contaminating a skin wound. In addition, any contact with wildlife (including bats) can introduce the risk of rabies infection. Raccoons, skunks and other wild animals can carry the rabies virus and may be present in areas where dogs gather.
Fortunately, rabies infection is preventable with vaccination. Many local and state governments require regular rabies vaccination for dogs.
Regional wildlife risks and feral animals
Wildlife mixing with dogs can increase the risk of diseases, such as rabies and plague, as well as the risk of injury. In some areas of the U.S., prairie dogs often invade dog parks. Prairie dogs carry fleas that can carry the bacteria that causes plague. Skunks, raccoons, foxes, feral cats and pigs, and other wildlife can also carry rabies and other diseases that can infect dogs. Feral dogs present disease and injury risks.
Although its name suggests it's a worm, ringworm is actually due to fungal infection of the skin. It can be spread by contact with an infected dog, its bedding or something that has come in contact with the infected dog. The fungus can also survive in the soil. Ringworm gets its name because it often causes circular patches of hair loss. Some dogs will excessively scratch the areas, while others may not be itchy. Many dogs will recover without treatment, but they are often treated to prevent them from spreading the infection to other dogs or to people.
Tick-borne diseases (hemobartonellosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, rickettsial diseases such as Lyme disease, and others)
There is a variety of diseases that can infect dogs and are spread by ticks. Some diseases are more common in specific areas of the U.S. These diseases can cause anemia (blood loss), lameness, weakness, lethargy, organ failure, and even death. The best way to prevent these diseases is to prevent tick bites. There are many products available that reduce tick bites and kill ticks on dogs; consult your veterinarian about the best product for your dog. Check your dog for ticks after any outside dog gatherings and remove the tick(s) as soon as possible.
Toxic plants
Toxic plants can cause a variety of illnesses. Some ornamental plants can be very toxic to animals. Cocoa mulch is also toxic to dogs. For more information about toxic plants, visit the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center Web site at: (888) 426-4435. A $65 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.
A second part of this story, involving the disease risks for people who accompany their dogs to the Dog Park, will be the feature topic next week.
The AVMA has produced a new podcast covering "How To Select A Groomer." After viewing previous AVMA podcasts, our readers have responded very favorably to the presentations. Enjoy this one: http://www.avmamedia.org/display.asp?sid=240&NAME=How_to_Select_a_Dog_Groomer
1) If you're interested in trying a new dog treat that you can "make" at home, then perhaps PupCakes2Go is the product for you. Go to: http://mypupcakes2go.com/play.html and watch the video. For a further testimonial, look at: http://www.pawnation.com/2010/04/05/dog-product-review-pupcakes-2-go/
2) For a new and refreshing approach, 3 different pet product companies are offering a pet product that "gives back." For further details, go to: http://www.pawnation.com/2010/04/07/pet-products-that-give-back-one-eye-blue-lulodog-wolfe-and-spa/ to find out how certain pet products can also benefit pets in need.
1) A researcher at Purdue University is crossing the USA in search of the 15 oldest living Rottweilers for his study of why those 15 Rottweilers have lived 30% longer than their average breed-mates. From his studies, he hopes to find a correlation between the aging process and cancer formation that will possibly even help humans. The story, from the USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2010-03-14-olddogs_N.htm?POE=click-refer
2) For a different approach to quieting a crying baby, this dog just might be the answer: http://www.parentdish.com/2010/04/05/lazy-parenting-idea-get-your-dog-to-sing-to-crying-baby/?icid=mainhtmlws-main-wdl6link4http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parentdish.com%2F2010%2F04%2F05%2Flazy-parenting-idea-get-your-dog-to-sing-to-crying-baby%2F
3) Would you pay $52,000 for a diamond dog collar? Your chance may be right here: http://www.luxist.com/2010/02/13/52-000-diamond-dog-collar-for-valentines-day/
Whatever happened to the concept of a cubic zirconia???
4) What if your dog came up to you and said, "I'm going outside to throw AND catch the frisbee all by myself"....
...and then, went and did just that? Here's a video of Amos, the dog, and his Frisbee: http://www.pawnation.com/2010/03/19/dog-plays-frisbee-all-by-himself/?icid=mainhtmlws-main-wdl4link5http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pawnation.com%2F2010%2F03%2F19%2Fdog-plays-frisbee-all-by-himself%2F
Extra bonus points awarded for your identification of the song played in the background....
5) For those dog owners with a mixed-breed dog, have you ever found yourself wondering just what were the breeds that contributed to the make up of your dog? Ben Westhoff, of The Doggie Diaries, wondered about that in one of his postings: http://www.pawnation.com/2010/04/01/the-doggie-diaries-mystery-solved-pippis-dna-test-results/?icid=mainhtmlws-main-wdl3link5http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pawnation.com%2F2010%2F04%2F01%2Fthe-doggie-diaries-mystery-solved-pippis-dna-test-results%2F
In the course of his quest, he also consulted with: http://canineheritage.com/index.html
Oh well, the Butler Bulldogs weren't able to beat Duke, but...they came within 1 shot of winning the game. Not bad for a school of only 4000 students!
The LA Dodgers opened the season by losing 2 of 3 games to the Pirates in Pittsburgh, essentially a AAA minor league team. Ouch! Then, we went into Miami to play the Marlins, a much better team than the Pirates. We should have won all 3 games in Miami but our relievers gave away the last 2 games. Something's just not clicking in the early season.
Helpful Buckeye was finally able to ride the bike outdoors on April 8th, a full 2 weeks later than last year. The culprit was the large amount of cinders remaining in the bike lanes, leftover from our several deep snows over the winter. However, it was great getting back outdoors on the bike! Those miles mean so much more than the miles on the bike in the gym, at least psychologically.
My second day riding outdoors, I encountered a herd of 18 good-sized mule deer walking slowly across the road directly in front of me. They casually looked at me as they finished crossing the road...with not a care in the world. Life is great!
No, these are not the mule deer from my bike ride...I did not have my camera with me. I did take this photo of mule deer at the Bosque del Apache, near Socorro, New Mexico last December. Anyway, you get the idea....
The third day riding outdoors, today (Sunday), was living proof of the old adage that if the wind is blowing, it will ALWAYS be in the face of a bicyclist.
From Mark Twain, comes this quote: "Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live...."
~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~
The Danger of The Cult of Personality
7 years ago
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