You've heard Helpful Buckeye say many times before that the Halloween holiday period is one of the most dangerous for pets. There are many reasons for this...frightened dogs getting loose from their owners, either when walking or going out the front door; dogs getting into all the piles of candy and treats being offered; and dogs getting tangled up in their costumes or their costumes catching on fire. The Humane Society of the United States annually reminds us that this is also the time of the year at which the most dogs become lost from their owners. Pay attention to these warnings! Your dog's life may depend on it!
Since we're also talking about different breeds of dogs this week, how about a topical quiz? You've all heard about The Hound of the Baskervilles, one of the first Sherlock Holmes mysteries by Arthur Conan Doyle. What breed was this particular hound? The answer will show up at the end of this issue of Questions On Dogs and Cats.
Halloween: Frightening Time for Pets
With Halloween just a week away the Humane Society
for Shelter Pets is offering America’s pet owners some safety tips to ensure
this Halloween is truly spooktacular.
■Costumes are
scary to pets, whether worn by familiar people, strangers, or even pets
themselves. The National Retail Federation found that over 15% of people are
planning to dress up their animals this Halloween. If you can’t stand leaving
Fido out of the family costume, make sure to avoid pet costumes that include
hats, masks, or shoes. The American Veterinary Medical Association reminds
owners not to leave costumed pets unattended.
■Most people are aware that chocolate is poisonous
to dogs, but hard candies and other sweets containing the ingredient Xylitol,
commonly found in gums and mints, can also pose a health risk to your pet.
Often in the excitement and chaos of Halloween night, these dangerous treats
may be left within easy reach of curious canine noses. As with all human food
make sure your candy is placed out of reach of your pet.
■Dogs are not the only pets known to stick their
noses and mouths where they don’t belong. Due to their curious nature, cats
can’t help but be attracted to glow sticks and shiny costume jewelry. While not
usually life-threatening, treating a glow stick as a chew toy can result in
mouth pain and irritation, and lead to excessive drooling and foaming. The Pet
Poison Helpline suggests you attempt to wash as much of the chemical off of the
fur as you can, as self-grooming can contribute to further poisoning. If left
in reaching distance, cheap costume jewelry can also become a major choking
hazard for both dogs and cats.
According to the National Retail Federation, 170
million people plan to celebrate Halloween this year. With so many families
participating in All Hallow’s Eve festivities, it’s important to take this
opportunity to talk about pet safety.
With every human celebration there are opportunities
for lapses in household security resulting in ghastly accidents or devilish
Strangers stopping by in ghoulish costumes can cause
plenty of anxiety, while parties offer access to large amounts of food and
candy. Although only pigs and dogs, and a certain two-legged animal, seem to be
at the greatest risk for overindulging, it’s worth considering a few ways to
batten down the hatches and protect pets from mishap.
Adapted from:
Keeping Your Dog Safe on Halloween
Ghosts and goblins. Witches and warlocks. Creepy
crawlies. Not to mention Batmen, fairy princesses, and space aliens. For kids –
and be honest – plenty of grownups, too, Halloween is a time when silliness
gets a chance to shine. But for the dog of the house – or a cat or bird – the
holiday can be a nuisance: A nightmare of doorbells that never stop ringing,
loud noises in the night and too many strangers. For a cat – especially black
ones – the haunted holiday can be downright lethal.
"Halloween can be just as dangerous as other
holidays, even if it lasts just one night," said Ruth First, a
spokesperson for the ASPCA. "After all, lots can happen in one
"We see substantially more pets than usual in
the emergency room around the holiday, due to vomiting and diarrhea," says
Debra Primovic, a veterinarian at the Animal Emergency Clinic in St. Louis. "Most of these cases are due to the
animals getting into the kids' Halloween bags when nobody's around and getting
into the chocolate." Here's how to
keep your pet safe through a night of ghouls and goblins.
Safe At Home
• This is a night to keep your pet close by your
side. Don't leave a dog tied up in the
yard alone and say no to a cat who normally goes out on his own for a ramble. Animals have been teased, stolen, injured –
even killed – by trick-or-treaters carried away by the excesses of the holiday.
• Keep your dog or the cat in a room away from the
front door with plenty of fresh water and a familiar blanket. It may sound unsociable, but too many
strangers in weird costumes can scare an animal. You don't want your dog to charge the door
every time you open it – nor do you want the cat slinking out on the heels of
the trick-or-treaters.
• The best idea is to leave your dog home when you
go out trick-or-treating. But if you
can't resist, use a short leash to keep him from fighting with other animals or
biting strangers out on the prowl. If
you're out after dark, use a reflective leash or flashing safety collar so
drivers can easily spot him.
• If you decorate your house with Halloween lights,
make sure wires are secured out of the way so your pet doesn't trip on them or
chew them. Cats, birds and dogs are all
naturally inquisitive and are likely to try to explore with their paws, mouths
or beaks. Also, make sure all decorations don't have
loose or sharp parts that can snag a tail or wound a paw.
• Don't leave a lighted jack o' lantern unattended
around pets. One exuberant swish of a
tail can start a fire – or a quick sniff can burn a whisker.
• Make sure your pet is collared and tagged with
your name, address and phone number – just in case he manages to get out.
Tricks and Treats
• Don't put a pet in a costume unless he or she
seems to like it. Many animals stress out when you dress them up. If you do put your pet in fancy dress, make
sure it's safe: no constricting details that can obstruct hearing, movement,
breathing or sight. Even the friendliest
of animals can get snappy if they can't see or hear what's going on. If the costume attaches with rubber bands,
make sure you remove them when you take off the suit. Otherwise, they can quickly work their way
into the animal's skin. Also note that cats find rubber bands almost
irresistible. Make sure the cat can't
chew on them or swallow them; if ingested they can be life-threatening and
require expensive surgery to remove them.
• Halloween candy is not for pets: Chocolate is
toxic for cats and dogs. Lollipop and
candy-apple sticks can get stuck in an animal's throat or perforate the stomach
or bowels; candy wrappers can cause obstruction and irritation to the digestive
system. Make sure the kids know not to
share their hoard, and keep the stash in a place the animals can't get to.
Adapted from:[T]&
Things Pets Hate About Halloween
Many of us love Halloween. Do our pets love it too? Well, some do and some don't. Here are some top things that pets hate – from
the mouths of pets themselves.
Doorbells. That darn doorbell rings and rings. My owners answer it and then it rings again. I
get excited, I bark and they yell at me. I don't get it.
Scary Costumes. Ugly, evil-looking things come to the door,
and they get something. I don't know
what they get, but I'm sure it's tasty. The
whole ritual is scary and just plain odd. Why do they do that? If I did something like that they would haul
me off to the "funny farm."
Screaming Kids. If the noise and the costumes aren't bad
enough, there are screaming kids to contend with. Screaming children chanting little rhymes that
only a mother must be able to admire.
I Don't Get Treats. On top of it all, there is an abundance of
candy going from hand to hand, chocolate, candy bars, and goodies that make a
real dog drool. And I don't get any. None. Stingy
They Ignore ME. I am there – barking and doing my dog thing –
and no one pays any attention to me. I
try to join in on the fun but they keep telling me to go away. With all these new people here at this
Halloween party, a dog /cat has lots of sniffing to do. I need to get to know these people to make
sure they are safe for my family.
Black Cats. This
holiday is a real bummer if you are a black cat. I have never done anything bad and some people
think there is some demon quality in me during Halloween. They seem like the demons for considering that
Weird Music and Sounds. People play the most ridiculous music – makes
me want to howl.
Jack-O-lanterns and Candles. Weird shadows on walls and total ambiance of
ghostliness. It would not surprise me if
Casper came out of the walls and said boo!
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Different people...different lifestyles and preferences...different types of dogs...where do you fit in?
Top Pets to Fit Your Lifestyle
By: Alex Lieber
You work the swing shift at the factory and return
home early in the morning. Not quite ready to sleep, you rouse your dog for
some quality-time play, but he looks at you with red, bleary eyes. It's obvious
he's just feigning excitement – he'd much rather dream of chasing Frisbees than
actually do it.
Several hours later, Scruffy is rested and ready to
play in the sunshine, but you've adopted something of a vampire's lifestyle.
That big, bright interrogation lamp we call the sun is just too harsh at
midday. Your lifestyles are definitely out of sync.
If you're thinking about getting a pet, one of the
first things to consider is your lifestyle. Pets have deep, emotional needs
just like people. While this does not mean you have to listen to the
relationship woes of your friends, it does mean you should have the time to
bond with your pet.
Where you live is of course a major factor in your
decision. A condo or apartment building may not allow dogs, for instance, and
you shouldn't flout the rules by bringing one in. You may be forced to choose
between moving or giving up your pet. Unfortunately, many people choose to give
up their pet to a shelter, where there is little chance he or she can be
adopted before being euthanized. You can learn more about the animal issues of
where you live by reading Home versus Apartment Living.
It is far better to choose a type of pet that fits
your lifestyle. This may mean selecting a companion other than a dog, cat or some other relatively high-maintenance
pet. Fortunately, there is a world of options out there that can allow you to
mesh your lifestyle with that of an appropriate companion. The following list
is far from all-inclusive, but it may give some ideas of the things you should
Night Owls
If you work the graveyard shift or just like to stay
active at night and sleep all day, a dog is a poor choice for a pet. When
you're up and active, his canine body clock is chiming that it's time to hit
the hay. When you're in sweet REM sleep, he's ready to go.
For night people, consider the following species:
• Cats. They own the night. Cats power nap an
average of 16 hours out of the 24, and particularly enjoy playing at night, as
any first-time kitten owner will have discovered. Cats are also much more
self-sufficient than dogs and are also ideal indoor pets.
• Rabbits. These quiet and unobtrusive pets can have
a temper if you try to handle them during the day, when they normally sleep.
Rabbits are at their best in the morning or late in the evening, which may fit
your night owl habits.
• Gerbils, hamsters and hedgehogs. These small
mammals are generally active at night.
• Fish.
Revolving Roommates
The first question you should ask a prospective
roommate is whether he or she likes dogs, cats, birds, etc. Be cautious and ask
follow-up questions about his or her experience with pets: Many people say they
like pets because they are desperate for a room. Only later do you find out
they really can't stand the sight of your pet. Always ask for references from
prospective roommates.
The revolving roommate phenomenon can be hard on
some dogs, so you may want to wait until you have a stable living situation before
getting a canine.
• Cats. Your cat may or may not like new people
entering or leaving her home, but so long as her personal space is not affected
this shouldn't be a problem. Your prospective roommate may need some patience
though; cats want to explore all of their domain, including your roommate's
• Canaries, finches, budgies and most small mammals.
These are generally unaffected by changing roommates.
• Reptiles. Generally reptiles will not notice,
although your iguana may get a little nervous around new people.
• Fish. They won't even notice, unless your roommate
overfeeds or harasses them.
Singles Only
If you're single, live alone and work a regular 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule, the world is your oyster in terms of selecting the
right pet. But there is another factor to consider: If you are looking for a
relationship, your pet may have something to say in your choice of mates.
• Dogs. Your lifestyle was made for a dog. With so
many choices, you need only to select the right breed to fit your lifestyle:
active, laid back, or that comfortable place in between.
• Cats. This pet just seems to come up in every
category, but there is no denying that cats are relatively low maintenance.
Self-sufficient and independent, they ask only for some love (on their terms),
a warm place near or on you, fresh water, litter and good food. You should look
for the breed that fits your own personality. A domestic shorthair or longhair
is laid-back, while an Abyssinian is very active. A Siamese will prove
affectionate, but they can be quite vocal.
• Ferrets. A ferret is like a perpetual kitten –
they're always ready to play. They rate somewhere between the demands of a dog
and the independence of a cat, which may be perfect for your lifestyle.
However, they will get destructive if left alone too long. If you're the type
that likes to travel, better pass on the ferret.
• Small mammals. Gerbils, hamsters, etc. are also
good pets for the single life.
• Birds.
Frequent Travelers
Leaving your pet for a weekend getaway doesn't mean
you're leaving behind your responsibilities. If you take frequent trips, either
for pleasure or business, you should ask whether your lifestyle has room for a
pet. Leaving means making sure all your pet's needs are met, physical and
Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets and many small mammals
are poor choices if you're not around. These animals bond with their human
caregivers and suffer from their prolonged absence. However, there are some
animals that can do well, provided they are well cared for:
• Rats and mice. These rodents do fine on their own,
if they have others of their own species and sex to play with.
• Fish. Again, finding the right pet sitter is
crucial. Many fish die from the "good neighbor" syndrome – chronic
• Reptiles.
• Small birds such as canaries and finches. These do
well as long as they have the company of their own species. Single birds do not
do well alone, however.
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Choosing the Right Dog for You
The problem with adopting a dog from an animal
shelter? The selection of available canine companions can overwhelm you! Man's best friends come in all shapes, sizes,
and—of course—personalities. While
almost any shelter dog can make a wonderful, lifelong companion for you and
your family, some of those bundles of energy will make less appropriate pets
for you than others.
The key is knowing what to look for. Here are a few
things to think about:
What's your lifestyle?
Choosing the right dog generally means identifying
the type of animal who matches your lifestyle. If you live alone in a small,
third-floor apartment, for instance, adopting a large, active retriever-mix
might not be the best choice. Conversely, if you have a family of four and are
looking for a companion to match your active lifestyle, such an animal may be
perfect. A dog's size, exercise requirements, friendliness, assertiveness, and
compatibility with children should all figure into your decision.
Breeds and mixes
How do you find out which dogs have the qualities
you're looking for? Information is the key: learn about various breeds, visit
with animals at the shelter, and speak with an adoption counselor for guidance.
Dogs fall into one of two categories: purebreds or
mixed breeds. Most animal shelters have plenty of both. The only significant
difference between the two is that purebreds, because their parents and other
ancestors are all members of the same breed, are similar to a specific
"breed standard." This means that if you adopt a purebred puppy, you
have a good chance of knowing about how big he'll get and what general physical
and behavioral characteristics he'll have.
Mixed breeds
Of course, the size, appearance, and temperament of
most mixed breed dogs can be predicted as well. After all, mixed breeds are
simply combinations of different breeds. So if you know the ancestry of a
particular mixed-breed puppy or can identify what type of dog he is (e.g.,
terrier mix), you have a good chance of knowing how he'll turn out, too.
Mixed breeds offer several advantages over
purebreds. When you adopt a mixed breed, you benefit from the combined traits
of two or more breeds. You also get a dog who's likely to be free of genetic
defects common to certain purebred dogs. Mixed breeds, in fact, are often
considered the more "natural" dog. When you adopt a mixed breed, you
adopt a unique companion.
Visit with shelter animals
While you're at the shelter, keep in mind that it is
a stressful place for any animal. Quite often, a dog's true colors won't show
until he's away from other animals and the shelter environment. So even if you
walk past a kennel with a dog who isn't vying for your attention, don't count
him out. He may just be a little scared or lonely.
An adoption counselor can help you select canines
who will match your lifestyle. When you spend time with each animal, consider
the following questions:
How old is
the dog? You may want to select a puppy as your new companion. However, young
dogs usually require much more training and supervision than more mature dogs.
If you lack the time or patience to housetrain your pup or to correct problems
like chewing and jumping, an adult dog may be a better choice.
How shy or assertive is the dog? Although an active,
bouncy dog might catch your eye, a quieter or more reserved dog might be a
better match if you don't have a particularly active lifestyle.
How good is the animal with children? Learning about
a dog's past through a history sheet or from an adoption counselor can be
helpful, but past information isn't always available. In general, an active dog
who likes to be touched and is not sensitive to handling and noise is a dog who
will probably thrive in a house full of kids. Also keep in mind that puppies
younger than four months of age, because of their fragility and special needs,
often won't be adopted out to families with young children.
Choose a pal for life
Every dog in the shelter can provide you with
boundless love and companionship, and every dog certainly deserves a lifelong
home. But some dogs are better for you and your lifestyle than others. That's
why you should take the time to make a thoughtful choice. After all, you're
choosing a pal likely to be with you 10 to 15 years—or even longer. Select the
right dog, and you and your new companion will enjoy those years to the
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Like Dog, Like Owner: What Breeds Say About
Extroverted Pups
Pastoral and utility breeds score highest on
What is extroversion? An extrovert is someone who is
outgoing, talkative and the "life of the party."
Representative Breeds: Pastoral breeds include
collies, sheepdogs, heelers and corgis. Utility breeds include Dalmatians,
bulldogs, poodles, schnauzers and sharpeis.
Owners: Actor Adam Sandler owns a bulldog, as did Winston Churchill. Actor
Chris Evans owns a German Shepherd. The Queen of England owns a Pembroke Welsh
Agreeable Breeds
Gundog and toy breed owners are highest on
What is agreeableness? Agreeableness is a trait that
makes people easy to get along with. Agreeable people sympathize with others,
care about their feelings and try to make other people feel at ease.
Representative breeds: Gundogs include spaniels and
retrievers of all sorts, as well as setters, pointers and Weimaraners. Toy dogs
include Yorkshire terriers, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas
Famous owners: Gwyneth Paltrow owns a Labrador
retriever, and Jennifer Aniston owns a golden retriever. Sir Isaac Newton owned
a Pomeranian, and Paris Hilton owns multiple Chihuahuas.
Conscientious Canines
Utility dog owners are the most conscientious.
What is conscientiousness? People who are
conscientious are dutiful and self-disciplined. They like order and schedules.
Representative breeds: Utility breeds include
Dalmatians, bulldogs, poodles, schnauzers, Shar Peis, chow-chows and Boston
terriers. Famous owners: Mariah Carey owns a Shih Tzu, part of this category.
Warren G. Harding owned a Boston terrier, as did Gerald Ford and Helen Keller.
Martha Stewart owns and shows chow-chows.
A Mark of Stability
Hound dog owners have the highest emotional
What is emotional stability? It's the opposite of
neuroticism, a trait marked by anxiety. Irritation and stress. People low in
neuroticism are calm, cool and collected.
Representative breeds: Rhodesian ridgebacks,
foxhounds, beagles, dachshunds, whippets and greyhounds.
Famous owners: George Washington owned a foxhound.
Lyndon B. Johnson owned a beagle. Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas owns two
Creative Spirits
Toy dog owners are the most open.
What is openness: People with open personalities are
intelligent, open to new experiences and appreciative of art.
Representative breeds: Toy dogs include Yorkshire
terriers, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Pekingese and pugs.
Famous owners: Fashion designer Valentino owns a
pug. Natalie Portman, Paris Hilton, Alyson Hannigan and Lindsay Lohan all own
Traits of a Terrier
Terrier owners score high in agreeableness and
What are agreeableness and openness? Agreeableness
is a trait that makes people easy to get along with. Agreeable people
sympathize with others, care about their feelings and try to make other people
feel at ease. People with open personalities are intelligent, open to new
experiences and appreciative of art.
Representative breeds: Bull terriers, calm terriers,
border terriers and Staffordshire bull terriers.
Famous owners: Simon Cowell owns a calm terrier.
Late conservationist Steve Irwin owned a Staffordshire bull terrier, as does
action star Vin Diesel.
Agreeable and Open
Working dog owners are high in agreeableness and
What are agreeableness and openness? Agreeableness
is a trait that makes people easy to get along with. Agreeable people
sympathize with others, care about their feelings and try to make other people
feel at ease. People with open personalities are intelligent, open to new
experiences and appreciative of art.
Representative breeds: Portuguese water dogs, Great
Danes, Rottweilers, mastiffs, St. Bernards and boxers.
Famous owners: Justin Timberlake owns a boxer.
President Obama owns a Portuguese water dog. Jim Carey owns a Great Dane and
Will Smith owns a Rottweiler.
Adapted from:
Top Watch Dogs – Breeds That Protect the
For centuries, dogs have been employed as living
alarms and guards. Their protective nature made them ideal to alert a family
that something strange was amiss. Along with being a companion, dogs can and do
still perform watch dog roles.
Watch dogs are not the same as guard dogs. A watch
dog alerts their owners when strangers approach, but they do not usually
attack. A good watch dog doesn't have to be big or aggressive; he or she just
has to possess a strong bark that lets the family know someone is approaching
the house. Often, just hearing the bark deters would-be
intruders. A guard dog can do the same, but is also large enough to intimidate
and, if necessary, attack an intruder. Almost any dog that barks when something unusual
happens can serve as a watch dog, but some breeds are better known for their
natural watch dog abilities. These include:
American Eskimo. Descended from the German
"Spitz" line of dogs, the American Eskimo was bred from ancient times
to watch over people and property. The Eskimo is a small- to medium-sized dog
that bonds closely with family, and tends to distrust strangers.
Boston terrier. Small, muscular and compact, the
Boston terrier is one of the few truly American breeds. They are gentle,
friendly dogs that are protective of family and home. Most have a good bark to
alert people when strangers approach.
Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is a small dog with a big
bark. He or she will bark vigorously, as if they are trying to make up for
being just 6 to 9 inches tall and weighing under 5 pounds. They make sure you
know when someone's approaching the house.
French bulldog. The French bulldog is not into
barking, but will certainly alert the family to strange noises or approaching
people. A natural guardian, the Frenchie is a devoted companion.
Miniature pinscher. Contrary to the belief of some,
the miniature pinscher is not bred down from the Doberman pinscher. In fact,
the breed is the older of the two and is something of a cross between the
greyhound and a terrier. Always curious, the min pin will alert his owner
whenever someone new is nearby.
Pekingese. The Pekingese is a bold, regal toy dog
that has an enthusiastic bark rivaling the Chihuahua's. This dog loves to be
pampered but will do his best to alert his family when strangers are around.
Irish setter. An Irish setter is a beautiful,
friendly, energetic dog. The setter will bark to let you know someone is at the
house, but don't expect more than that, in spite of the dog's size. The setter
is friendly enough to show a stranger around.
Schipperke. Pronounced "skipper-kee," the
Skips (as they are nicknamed) were originally bred as watch dogs, hunters of
vermin and as companions. They excel at all three.
Standard and miniature schnauzer. Both make
excellent watch dogs. The schnauzers hail from Germany, and all are
intelligent, reliable and protective.
Norwegian elkhound. This dog is descended from
canines that served with the Vikings. Brave enough to track bear and moose, the
elkhound makes an excellent watchdog. The breed is bold, courageous and
Airedale. As the largest member of the terrier
group, the Airedale can be intimidating. Though they may seem aloof to
strangers, the breed is very loving towards his family, especially towards
Top Dog Breeds for Life Outdoors
Due to space limitations or personal preference,
some people choose to have their dogs live the majority of their lives
outdoors. Some dogs do better than others as an outdoor dog.
Curly coated retriever. This retriever is a hardy
dog that loves water. His thick coat gives him protection from the harshest
weather and he is a faithful and devoted guard dog.
Rottweiler. This powerful dog can live indoors or
outdoors. Originally bred as a herding dog, the Rottweiler is now best known as
a formidable guard dog.
Samoyed. This big white dog with a smiling face is
popular because of his gentleness. Sturdy and covered with a thick coat, this
dog can live outdoors as long as there is plenty of contact with his family.
Siberian husky. The husky has historically lived
outdoors in the harshest lands. Bred to pull sleds across frozen terrain, this
dog is very hardy and quite content to live outside.
Norwegian elkhound. This dog is descended from
canines that served with the Vikings. Brave enough to track bear and moose, the
elkhound is also hardy enough to live outdoors.
Mastiff. This
giant and imposing dog was used as a hunter and protector. Content to patrol
his home and guard his family, the mastiff can thrive outdoors but needs
Old English sheepdog. Easily recognized by his thick
white and grey coat, the Old English sheepdog is not as popular as other breeds
but he can live anywhere. At home in an apartment or yard, the OES needs daily
grooming to keep his coat healthy.
Greater Swiss mountain dog. This breed was developed
in Switzerland as a working dog. Bred to guard, herd and haul heavy carts, the
Greater Swiss mountain dog enjoys the outdoor life.
Bernese mountain dog. As with the Greater Swiss
mountain dog, the Bernese was also developed as a draft dog. Hardy and strong,
the Bernese is at home indoors or out and thrives in cold weather.
Great Pyrenees. The Great Pyrenees is happiest when
he has a job to do. Whether guarding sheep, pulling carts or protecting his
family, the Great Pyrenees seems to thrive outdoors, especially in winter.
Irish wolfhound. This gentle giant was originally
developed to hunt wolves in Ireland. The massive size of this dog leads him to
enjoy the wide open spaces of the great outdoors.
Keeshond. With his thick coat, the Keeshond can do
well outdoors, as long as his family is nearby and provides daily grooming and
Alaskan malamute. Bred to pull sleds over frigid
terrain, the Alaskan malamute is ideally suited for life outdoors, though not
in hot climates. His heavy coat is better for cold climates.
Australian shepherd. Despite his name, the
Australian shepherd is an American made dog. Used in many different ways, the
Aussie is very intelligent and craves activity. Outdoor life can work well for
this dog, provided there is plenty of things to do.
Australian cattle dog. Unlike the Aussie, the
Australian cattle dog is truly from Australia. Developed to herd cattle, this
dog needs lots of mental stimulation and physical activiy. Provided he is
securely fenced in a very large yard, the Australian cattle dog can do well
Bearded collie. The bearded collie may not be as
popular as some other breeds but he has plenty of admirers. A hardy dog that
works as a sheep dog in Scotland, this breed has a thick coat that allows his
to thrive in cold outdoor weather.
American Foxhound. As a hound developed to hunt
foxes, the American foxhound thrives on outdoor activities. Not the best
apartment dog, this breed needs a sturdy fence and plenty of room to run.
Belgian sheepdog. As one of the representative breeds
of Belgium, this dog is cherished as a police dog, guard dog, herding dog and
companion. With a thick coat, this breed can live outdoors, provided he is
given lots of attention.
Chow chow. The chow is one of the most easily
recognized breeds. Popular because of his thick fluffy coat, the chow can
thrive outdoors, even in the coldest of weather. During the hot summer months,
outdoor chows greatly appreciate a drastic haircut.
German shepherd. Nearly always topping the most
popular breed lists, the German shepherd has natural guarding and protecting
instincts. His double haircoat insulates him in cold weather and he can be
quite content spending his days and nights outside.
Guard Dogs - Which Breed Should I Get?
For some people, dogs are not only companions but
are also used to protect their owners as well as property.
Guard dogs are not the same as watch dogs, and if
not properly socialized and trained, can be a far cry from the average
family-loving pet. A watch dog is typically a member of a breed that barks when
strangers approach. These dogs will alert their owners to danger and threaten
the stranger but really don't have the size or strength to follow through with
their verbal threats.
Guard dogs, on the hand, are strong, large and
imposing; their natural protective traits are honed to protect property or
people. If provoked, some of these dogs have the ability to cause serious
damage by attacking. Most others will do what they can to protect their family
and possessions but do not typically attack.
Despite their natural protective instincts, these
dogs can be gentle and loving family members, if socialized and trained early
in life.
Breeds that are known for natural guard dog
abilities include:
Akita. One of the national dogs of Japan, the akita
is a dignified and courageous dog. Originally used to hunt bear and guard
property, the akita was also used in dog fighting. Today, the akita is more a
family pet and is a natural protector.
Neapolitan mastiff. This large wrinkly faced dog is
extremely strong and quite imposing. With his broad solid head, just one look
from this dog can scare off any potential wrong-doer.
Staffordshire terriers. Often confused with the pit
bull, the Staffordshire terrier is a powerful and intimidating dog, when he
wants to be. When it is just him and his family, he is a loving and easy going
Bouvier des Flandres. The Bouvier originated in
Belgium and was originally used to drive cattle and pull carts. A natural
guardian, this dog is good with children and has the size and strength to keep
them safe.
Bullmastiff. With a relatively recent history, the
bullmastiff was a revered companion to the British gamekeeper. The large size
and imposing appearance of this dog scared off many a potential poacher. Still
considered an excellent guardian, the bullmastiff is a giant dog that can
easily weigh over 120 pounds.
Adapted from:
The answer to the question about "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is, as described by Doyle himself, a cross between a Bloodhound and an English Mastiff.
The answer to the question about "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is, as described by Doyle himself, a cross between a Bloodhound and an English Mastiff.

The Pittsburgh Steelers won their second well-played game in a row, defeating Washington and their impressive rookie QB.
Helpful Buckeye was fortunate enough to have a friend invite me to the Arizona State/UCLA in Tempe yesterday. It was homecoming, the temperature was 89 degrees, and the game was really exciting. UCLA came from behind on a FG with 2 seconds to go to win by 2 points...a heart-breaker for the Sun Devils.
Desperado and Helpful Buckeye had the pleasure of meeting a very interesting nonagenarian this past week. She was an absolute delight to talk with. Hats off to you, Dorothy!
~~The goal of this blog is to
provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to
have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to
replace the professional one-on-one carereceives from a practicing
veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a
While a little amounts of corns and pumpkins can be fed safely to dogs or many pets. Uncooked, ingesting potentially moldy big Halloween pumpkins or corns displays can cause a big problem. Read more WHICH dog breeds for you?